

The Salbega lane syndrome

The cleanliness is always the much required worthiness which any one can vouch for and to clean your entire locality is a work you must be doing it regularly thoroughly and professionally, tips is to make your nearby environment more cleaner and sharper so that the entire locality will be clean and dust free and thus in this way you can be more healthier than ever before.  The way you clean the streets are becoming more and more dirtier and it seems that due to the advent of ultra sound inside Salbega lane more and more people are reaching here with modern day tempos and the tempos are being kept nearer to other persons home and thus making it more polluted because as it seems these tempos are being stranded outside the neighbours of ultra sound and making the whole atmosphere polluted and also the persons who have reached here for ultra sound purposes they have to consume water and then after the test is finished they will have to be urinated and thus they are doing in front of neighbours house and making the entire atmosphere almost impossible to bear and for this seems that ultra sound which is located inside Salbega lane is almost impossible. This a unconventional rule that an ultra sound should have urine faculties and if so they should encourage the others to urinate inside their urine facilities not nearer to neighbour's boundaries, these are some of the bad happening after the initiations of ultra sound faculties here Salbega lane being inscribed and set up by a retired doctor which almost many years of his life spent on administration not on practicing doctor.  With this the entire atmosphere is polluted only due to not so  attentive work by the ultra sound and it is for the citizens to realize and attain the cleanliness of entire environment as they are living there and it is for them to manage and make most of it. It is a shame the first point is that ultra sound inside Salbega lane  that is inside the residential facilities inside Puri town just nearer to Hospital square and the second shame is that it is being built in and around residential areas and it is for the electricians to examine whether they are utilizing  the electricity for residential or commercial purposes. The third part is to see that due to the principal areas in and around Puri town and the adjacent to Petrol pump whether it is permissible to open ultrasound here due to radiation factor as all these needs to be estimated and attended properly.

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