

The night

It seems all through the night it is been at the positive side of the rain and it is the wettest night that has been on the experience but surprisingly the moon is on the left side of the sky and it seems that it is making and calling and saying plenty of thoughts and it is on the slower side and it is trying to tell many stories but it stills making it ray more and more stronger , and the entire atmosphere is just making it more and more beautiful and it is the sheer delight s that has been bringing all the dreams that has not been in the day it is bringing to the reality in the night and it is that sort of dreams that is making it more and more beautiful and it is the climate symbol that has not be at the right side but it still carry on its inhabitance , can any one not remembering in these circumstances and think of mine and also a small smile in terms of the sky and it  is silent and  it is creating all these ambitions but it is still at these wrong side of passages.

The passage of the sky is just been never ever be at the significant side of the story , it seems that the song is from the heart is making all the stories and it is making the more voice and searching for all the strangers by the side to search them to their side to make it more and it is the sheer flow of imaginations that is flouting its worth , it is asking for then heart and also the real passion that is making and it is calling to stop all the distance so much so that the smile will stay forever and it will stay there forever. It feels the loss of identity is going to change all these and it is sheer the dream of beautiful haven that is making it more towards the dream that is coming true and the real side of the aim and the ground is making it more and more true to its most widest imaginations. If some one asked about what happened to last night and no one will say what happened that night and also will not see at the rear side of the image as all these has been closely knitter and also entire dream and the passion just been at the beginning.

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