

Heat is back

In the recent times , after  few decent showers in the town of Puri , the scotching heat is back and for the last two days there are no rains at all and there is heavy sunshine and the heat generated from it. Due to the saline nature of this city on the banks of Bay of Bengal and with the flood of many floating populations due to the reasons of tourists, earnings and the mad persons seems to be the trends as with due course of time it  seems some families have left he mad persons here desirably. With each of the fifteen and twenty days there will be the new spell of person that is mad and they used to be laundering inside the streets. One such is one mad person who is throwing the stones to the public and one another are used to make fear at you by making many gestures.

With the saline climate inhibited here and the clouds hovering here and there without rain and it is making the life more difficult with continuous rise in the heat again after last few days of nice and cool climate. Sometimes the climates seem to be checking the air and that becomes many a times not bearable. The significant proportion of the city of Puri is been on the rise and the way it is feeling is great. Yesterday was the day when my beloved uncle passed away ten years back and that day seems to be very heavy day and for this I  along with my parents went to uncle’s house and some person have reached there.  There is some sort of get together and also longing for beloved uncle, who is always have the presence felt in our life even after so many years of not being here.

Met Pipi nani there , and also talked about a lot there and she taught me the basic tenets of marriage and how as a girl one should be tolerant to all these talks so that after few years there will be the merry and success of your marriage. She talked me a lot and also said to me I have to be tolerant and cool enough in these situations. The sheer talks with my cousin sister refresh me and also I have learned a plenty from her experiences.  It is now to be realized that how the life as a girl and soon to be married is going to be the more pressure. It is like that sort of ragging by the seniors and that has to be tolerated for quite a time so that in the long run it will give rich benefits.

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