

White hat blogging

White hat blogging are actually is to create the content for the user and make content easily accessible to the spider no tricks or game involved to it. White hat is all about adjusting to the errors of site map and make your website compatible with search engines and they do not worry about its visibility within Google first page dash board. Even Flash animations can be optimized by designing the page to include alternative contenting case the visitor cannot read Flash.

•    Adding a good title for your subject
•    Add a small easily recognizable name or title
•    Use general purpose title
•    Use simple language
•    If you use long sentence then you can must be consistent with it.
•    Increase unique content to fetch unique visitors
•    Get a good amount of comment
•    Make your site load faster.
•    Good use of meta tag
•    Do not over use of tags
•    Less use of social networking share icons.
•    Do not use off topic
•    Share with care your works to various online good social networking
•    Use text based back links and site map into your website.
•    Allowing search engine spiders to crawl pages without having to accept session IDs or cookies.
•    Use creative commons license in exchange of attribution ‘

If you’re thinking about making a career out of blogging, the best way to ensure a steady revenue stream is by building a solid reputation. It is all about making and sharing and writing original content and do not believe in short cuts or other such methods as these will in long term harm your reputations when you need it the most and that is why it is inevitable to go for good writing and you can write on a whole some subject be it in either case of interest.


Implementation Strategies

Determining the income level that is normal for your blog will depend on the size of your audience as well as your market segment. The web is a fast changing place and there are many opportunities that will only have a short window before the big players move in and make it too expensive for you to use capitalize on those opportunities. The process of writing down will help you clarify your thought and keep you focused in on achieving the goal. In case of any setbacks down the road, don’t get disappointed but calmly analyze the reasons for the setbacks and take corrective action. If your content begins to be effected by your advertising, it is time to stop and do a serious rethink about why you started blogging in the first place. There are two aspects to keeping your blog in the public eye, so to speak—getting famous with people, and getting famous with the search engines. Both can be tricky. It indexes and categorises blogs on the Web, and also tracks statistics such as the number of Web pages linking to your blog.

SEO)—you never know what’s going to boost your search engine ranking and when. SEO-ing your blog works better if you’re using your own hosting and content management system. Choose your blog and post titles appropriately. You’ll need something catchy to grab potential readers, but search engines would prefer that you include at least one keyword indicative of the post’s content in every post title. Wherever available, always make sure that you have a permalink for each post—this helps search engines index them better. Take a long, hard look at the content you’re generating. Are you another armchair columnist airing your views on news items like a billion other bloggers? What makes you unique? There’s a huge difference between getting people to come to your blog and getting them to stay there. Get into link-exchange deals with similar-themed bloggers—get them to link to you on their blogs, and vice versa.

Rapid changes in search engine optimization, or, in simple terms, the advent of smarter technology would mean only one thing—the death of your blog. Greed kills. The major areas of concern are the issues of proprietary or confidential information, and defamation. Several cases have been brought before the national courts against bloggers, and the courts have returned with mixed verdicts.

Digestive disorders

Acupuncture doll.
Acupuncture doll. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A vast array of disease can be effectively cured with acupuncture.  Be it peptic ulcer, leucopenia , blood disorders , urogenital disorders , gynecological  and obstetric disorders, primary dysmenorrheal , etc. are among the various conditions  in which acupuncture has been found to be very effective.

Acupuncture provides satisfactory relief of epigastria pain –significantly better than injections, as shown in the randomized controlled trials. Another common symptom of digestive disorders is nausea and vomiting.  It is more often a symptom or sign of generalized disorders. Irritable colon syndrome and chronic ulcerative colitis are often difficult to treat with conventional medication.

Urinary retention due to functional disorders and organic obstruction is often treated with acupuncture. The efficacy of acupuncture is remarkably superior to that of intramuscular injection. The beneficial effect of acupuncture on this condition relieves pain and also regulates the motility of the uterus to facilitate menstrual discharge and further alleviate the pain. Primary dysmenorrheal, a painful condition, is one of the major indications for acupuncture in the field of gynecological disorders. Acupuncture was reported to be effective in the treatment of female an ovular infertility. Electric acupuncture with relative specificity of acupuncture points could influence some genetic expression in the brain, thereby normalizing the secretion of certain hormones.

In early pregnancy, acupuncture at upper limb points can prevent and treat morning sickness. Acupuncture stimulates milk secretion after child birth and can be used to treat deficient lactation due to the mental liability or depression.  Acupuncture augments the blood prolactin level in women with deficient milk secretion after child birth. 


Click Fraud

A Paypal Security Key card, with personal barc...
A Paypal Security Key card, with personal barcodes identifying the card removed and blocked out. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One area of continuing concern to ad networks (Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK) is click fraud. This occurs when people click on ads just to increase their CPC revenue with no real interest in the ads. Nowadays, most ad networks have developed anti click fraud technologies and will automatically recognize whether the clicks are coming from legitimate sources or are being clicked fraudulently to increase CPC revenue. If you are an expert in your area of blogging interest and you have high quality content either in your blog or elsewhere you may be able to package and sell it as an eBook download.

Other than the physical products that you may have direct access to, you can also create merchandizing products like mugs and T-Shirts with the logo of your blog emblazoned on it. To accept donations, you may need to set up a Paypal account or some other such payment receiving mechanism. Even if you do not want to accept donations, you can still use, your site to provide free advertising for your favorite charity and direct your users to donate to that organization. There are many reasons for selling a blog: you may have started a blog and build a user base but you find that you no longer have the time or energy to continue giving it the attention it deserves. Whatever maybe the reason, keep in mind that a blog is like a business.

Many businesses are starting to maintain blogs. Usually these are maintained by employees but a significant number are looking to hire specialist bloggers who can provide the necessary writing talent. Most people looking to hire bloggers will definitely request details on your blogging experience and ask to see samples of your previous writing. Audio and video blogs can be useful to reach a mobile and busy audience. Further, your blogging experience may also provide you with the opportunity to write a book which could be based on the content of your site or could be totally fresh content based purely on your experience and knowledge in the field.


Revenue Channels

At some point in time, once you have established a decent level of traffic, you will need to sit down and decide on how you will derive revenue from your site.This will protect you from the risk of any single income source drying up and leaving you with no backup plan. This kind of approach is specially
suited if you are running a subject specific, profession oriented blog like say, on architecture. You may also decide that advertising may not be the best option for your blog. This approach is rare but not unheard of and is usually applicable when you already have a successful offline business and want to enlarge your reach through the web. Advertising is by far the most lucrative option and the most popular choice. Given the wide range of advertising options, it would indeed be difficult to miss making money from your blog if you have a decent level of traffic. Contextual advertising enables advertisers to display advertisements that closely match with the text of the content on your Web site or blog. The most famous of these is Google’s AdSense program.

Contextual advertising is useful when your blog is primarily an information only blog. Some of these networks may also offer interstitial ads—the type that floats in from the side. This type of ad is unpopular, especially with blog visitors due to the high level of irritation caused by having an ad rudely thrust in your face without any warning. The one big difference between contextual ads and display ads is the payment mode. In contextual ads the usual payment is on the basis of clicks. This type of advertising is the most lucrative option. Advertisers will directly deal with you offering to pay premium rates for ad spots on your blog. This can either be text based ads or even image or video ads. The revenue from the ad will be all yours. Even if you do not have a large traffic base you can still sell targeted ads on your blog if you take a little bit of time and effort.  Working with smaller companies will be much easier as they will be more amenable to work with you than larger companies.  The distinction between affiliate programs and other types of ad programs is in the revenue model. In an affiliate program, the revenue model is usually measured in terms of CPA—Cost Per Action as against CPC (Cost per Click) or CPM (Cost per thousand
impressions). Indiscriminately posting affiliate links and images of products on your blog should be avoided. Experiment with the different products and placement plans to determine if they work. If they do work focus on how you can improve it.

Provide partial feeds that show an introductory snippet about the post and force the users to visit the blog to read the full post. OR the blog author may decide to forgo the revenue potential through site visits and give them full feeds. Primarily because users are more amenable to subscribing to full feeds than partial feeds. This in turn will result in higher ad impressions and hence increased ad revenue.